Tui Na is the branch of traditional Chinese medicine that employs therapeutic pressure to acupuncture points, muscles, fasciae, and joints. Tui Na improves circulation of qi and blood, increases range of motion, and promotes vitality.
At Asiana Wellness, tui na is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, or TCM herbs.
Dr. Park employs a variety of tui na an mo techniques of brush, knead, roll, press, and rub. Dr. Park may use herbal compresses, ointments, oils, and heat to enhance these techniques. Depending on the force of pressure applied, the patient may feel little to no pain or intense soreness. The direct pressure on the acupuncture points facilitates the healing process by improving circulation. It removes the blockages and keeps the energy moving through the channels, fasciae, and the muscles.
Today in Asian countries, there is a steady increase in the number of parents of infants and children seeking pediatric tui na. Pediatric tui na’s gentle pressure can treat colic, improve digestion, promote growth, and strengthen a child’s immune system. In older children, it can help with sleep, teeth grinding, anxiety reduction, stress management, among others. Tui na focuses on a specific problem, but because TCM modalities also address the root of the problem, patients often feel an improved overall health.