
GUA SHA (old)

Dr. Park is certified in Gua Sha, the traditional Chinese medicine modality, in which unidirectional strokes are applied on an area of the body with a round-edged instrument to cause temporary redness. Gua Sha is still unknown to many in the West although celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Justin Bieber are proclaimed fans.

At Asiana Wellness, Newport Beach, Gua Sha therapy is used to:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Break down tissue blockages
  • Relieve pain
  • Improve circulation
  • Release toxins
  • Promote healing
  • Enhance metabolic processes
  • Modulate immune system

Gua Sha, alone or in combination with acupuncture, can be a powerful treatment for pain, upper respiratory and digestive problems, and many acute or chronic disorders. Schedule your appointment today at Asiana Wellness.

Dr. Park received her Gua Sha Certification and training from the renowned gua sha expert, Dr. Arya Nielsen. According to Dr. Nielsen, Director of Acupuncture in the Department of Integrative Medicine at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York, gua sha stimulates anti-inflammatory and immune response properties. In addition to thousands of studies done in Asia over the years, there’s been an increase in Western research in the past decade on biomechanism effects of gua sha. A breakthrough study was done in 2009 by a group at Harvard using bioluminescent imaging with a mouse. This study showed that gua sha upregulates HO-1, CO, biliverdin and bilirubin, which are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and cytoprotective, at multiple internal organ sites immediately after and over a period of days following a gua sha treatment.  Other randomized control studies have also shown the anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects of gua sha on conditions, such as active chronic hepatitis, in which liver inflammation indicates organ breakdown. The anti-inflammatory effect of HO-1 uptake may also explain gua sha’s historical use in traditional Chinese medicine to treat:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Hypertension
  • Headache/Migraine
  • Mastitis
  • Gastritis
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Hepatitis
  • among others

Facial Gua Sha

At Asiana Wellness, Newport Beach, Orange County, we also offer facial gua sha which is a gentler treatment to tighten the skin, contour the lines, and reduce puffiness that occurs due to fluid retention. One of the main reasons for facial fluid retention is systemic inflammation caused by sugar, gluten, dairy, excess alcohol, allergies, or chronic illnesses. Fluid retention may also be due to excess salt intake or sedentary lifestyle.

Facial gua sha at Asiana Wellness helps to drain the lymphatic fluids, remove toxins, stimulate collagen production, and rejuvenate skin cells for an improved appearance and a healthier glow. Facial gua sha may be combined with facial acupuncture for enhanced therapeutic effect. Dr. Park, who is certified in Cosmetic Acupuncture, has a mastery and love of gua sha that will help you enjoy its full benefits. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Park today.

Please click on the links below to learn more about our other modalities at Asiana Wellness, Newport Beach: